DNA & BioHorse
We were the first Spanish Mustang organisation to pioneer DNA testing for parentage and create a database.
Back in 2003 we wanted to register our first Spanish Mustangs to the SMR. Unfortunately the breeder had failed to file breeding and foal reports to the registry. DNA testing of Spanish Mustangs was unprecedented. The registrar at the time insisted the horses were verified for parentage. Although there was no mandate with the registry for this and there were other breeder operating a similar 'guess the stallion' strategy, we agreed to comply.
Having gathered hair samples from sires, dams and offspring these were submitted to Dr E Gus Cothran the Equine Geneticist at Texas A & M University. Back then he was at Kentucky University. From this grew a dedication to the DNA testing of Spanish Mustangs.
The American Heritage Horse Association registry was founded a few years later and included in their mandate compulsory DNA testing for parentage. They were the first registry to do so. Later the SMR introduced a similar policy.
More about our DNA database here
Click on image to view our DNA database.
Click on image below for the
BioHorse: Iberoamerican Equine Biodiversity Project
in Cordoba, Spain
Spanish Mustang history asks questions of scientists today working in the field of equine genetics. The search for Iberian markers, comparisons between phenotype and genotype from the different HMAs [Herd Management Areas], comparisons with other American breeds of Spanish colonial descent as well as horses of today's modern Spain, in particular the older, feral breeds. The more discoveries made in this field the greater our knowledge will be to ascertain and piece together the evolution of the Spanish Mustang breed we have in the twenty-first century. DNA gives us one profile of the horses contributing to the scientific data as part of the abstract of their history. Spanish Mustangs Europe is delighted to have participated in scientific research, the BioHorse project (see below) with our Spanish Mustangs and others we included in our submission, that contributed to Sarah's postgraduate research.
DNA Database
Please contact us if you would like a copy of a DNA profile to assist the registration of your Spanish Mustang with the SMR and/or AHHA to be sent via email to Texas A&M laboratory.
There is a UK£20 charge to 501c's, registered charities and breeders.
We do not charge private owners for this service for two horses maximum. Three or more and the fee is £10 per horse.
If you would like to contribute to our database please send us a sample of your Spanish Mustang's hair. We pay for the DNA profile and your horse is entered into the Spanish Mustangs Europe database.