What Are Spanish Mustangs?
"They are the heart of the land itself​ - Filled with spirit and power - Always and forever"
(Horse Poet)
The Spanish Mustang has evolved over 500 years honed by nature in different regions of the USA to become the horse we have today.
Spanish Mustangs have been tested for Iberian genetic markers and are considered to be the direct descendants of the horses brought over to Old Spain by the conquistadors in the early 16th century.
Spanish Mustangs are ..................
Smaller than other breeds. This is in part what ties them to their ancestry and the smaller horses of Old Spain.
Highly intelligent, rewarding in training and versatile for endurance to dressage.
sturdy yet elegant with their Iberian phenotype
They bond closely with their human(s) and their acceptance of you into their herd makes that bond unbreakable. All our Spanish Mustangs have been a unique, at times, very spiritual experience.
Spanish Mustangs are now a globally recognised breed of American horse of Spanish colonial descent with a UELN (Universal Equine Life Number).
It is a critically threatened rare breed of horse with less than 2,000 worldwide and an estimate of only 100-300 breeding mares worldwide according to the
Equus Survival Trust.
© Center for America's First Horse
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Apart from a conformation that connects it to the Iberian horses of old it also produces colours and body markings of a primitive nature. From the spotted (LP/lp) horses whose ancestry reaches back as far as the 'Heavenly Horses' revered by emperors of
Ancient China to the duns of various hues with leg barring and dorsal stripe akin to Przewalski's horse of Mongolia.
Paint and pinto markings are also produced. Modern genetic and colour testing has brought more knowledge and understanding of the various coat colours and patterning.
Our horses are all Foundation Spanish Mustangs which means
they are bred from the foundation bloodlines when the SMR breed registry was created in 1957.
The Spanish Mustang is not the horse for everyone.
As a horse honed by nature their sense of 'fight or flight' is heightened. With the right owner and trainer they are magnificent horses for stamina in endurance and hacking as well a fast capacity for learning. These horses are super-intelligent.