Our Spanish Mustangs
Our horses are all Foundation Spanish Mustangs which means
they are bred from the foundation bloodlines when the SMR breed registry was created in 1957.
In 2001 during a second research trip, we discovered Spanish Mustangs herds on the Blackfeet reservation, Montana and became involved and sponsored one of the herds.
In 2003 we bought our first two Spanish Mustangs when back on the Blackfeet reservation including Moon, a newborn. A mare from the same herds was gifted to Amy in the Native American tradition. This was a unique experience for us and an honour to accept.
Living in Alberta, Canada our maximum herd number was twelve horses in 2008-2009.
Our foals' names were prefixed by SCH to acknowledge that as Spanish Mustangs they are a recognised breed of Spanish colonial horse.
All our horses are DNA tested for parentage as required then colour tested for information and microchipped in compliance with EU regulations.
The foundation herd of Moon, Honey and Three Socks (later sold on) were from range-bred projects which means they were born on ranches that kept the horses in herds with a lead stallion in each one. Other horses arrived from the same place. Only two had had some basic handling and haltering while the rest none by the time they came to us. From living in their herds the behaviour was no different from wild horses. Patience and time paid off and the relationship between us and our horses was and is based on a strong mutual trust. This has been the best reward.

In October 2010 the remaining five horses (apart from Jose Chico who’d left Canada for the EU in 2007) made the journey from Calgary, Alberta by plane via Luxembourg then by road to their new home in France. Traveling with them on the same flight were our dogs Ottar and Kai. All arrived in good physical and mental health. The horses were reunited with Jose Chico in France.The horses settled with ease into their new home along with the dogs.
In 2013, for family reasons, we returned to England with the dogs and horses.
Our Spanish Mustangs are now an onsite herd of two living in Scotland since 2017. Our last mare was sold by private treaty in 2020 and lives in Virginia, USA

To be the seller of a Spanish Mustang can be (and has been) at times a minefield. For some potential buyers the fantasy of owning a mustang can outweigh openness and honesty about their abilities and past experiences. When that buyer then blames the horse and/or us we consider that person to be a problem.
Which is why we keep track of all our horses to ensure their welfare and location.
Click on image for Moon's page
Click on image for Santiago's page

In 2017 we moved to southwest Scotland. Moon and Santiago, with a mare companion, live across the road. They live out 24/7 all year round on 14 hectares of natural land with a burn (river) and rocky banks. Trees and lush hedgerows as well a variety of grasses and natural vegetation provide nutrition and shelter.
Post-Covid we shall be revisiting a university contact in Environmental Sciences to do a land assessment in context of an equine diet.